The seismic shifts in the U.S. and global financial markets the past two years have irrevocably changed the agricultural investment and business strategy environment. We help clients and investors make sense of what has happened, anticipate what’s likely to happen next, and find ways to invest in sectors likely to thrive in the coming years.
Dr. Jim Budzynski is the Managing Principal of MacroGain Partners, and he has spent 30 years building business strategies and working in operational, consulting, and capital markets roles in the agricultural sector. In addition, MacroGain Partners has built a strong network of experienced professionals who have a deep understanding of individual agri-food sectors and can assist with strategy development as well as help to identify exceptional near-term investment opportunities in those sectors.
We look for compelling agricultural investment opportunities consistent with our Ag 3.0 investment thesis, which is essentially a future of greener, smarter, and more efficient production as both ag production goals and production input costs escalate. We assist companies looking for financial partners to fine tune their strategy and investment thesis, crystallize what they really need in a partner, and identify a partner that meets their needs. We also assist investment firms in evaluating ag investments and strategizing on the long term potential in those sectors.
Ag 3.0: No Molecule Wasted
As U.S. agricultural production scaled in the past sixty years, the tremendous productivity growth and relatively low cost of inputs resulted in the waste of a lot of “molecules” – fuel, fertilizer, chemicals, and water. The escalating cost of these “molecules” means that agriculture must embrace a future where the goal is not only high productivity output but also minimizing the waste of these precious resources. The two primary ways to accomplish this are to design smarter technologies that can grow a crop with fewer inputs, and to leverage the ocean of data available in ag to make better decisions about what is needed locationally and temporally. An ag production system that makes just the right amount of the right input available at the right time in the right place to optimize plant growth maximizes both efficiency and profitability.